Title: | IAQ Tools for Schools Action Kit |
Sub-Title: | |
Date of publication: | May 1995 |
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Authors: | EPA Indoor Environments Division |
Bibliographic info: | U.S. EPA Publication 402-K-95-001, May 1995. Box kit approximately 10 inches high by 12 inches wide by 2 1/2inches deep. Available from Superintendent of Documents, P.O. Box 371954, Pittsburgh, PA 15250-7954, order #055-000-00563-0, $22 US, $27.50 foreign, tel: (202)-512-1800, fax: (202)-512-2250. |
Publisher: | U.S. Environmental Protection Agency |
Abstract: | The IAQ Tools for Schools Action Kit consists of an IAQ Coordinator's Guide, IAQ Coordinator's Forms, IAQ Backgrounder and Checklists (Handouts for Team Members), and an IAQ Problem-Solving Wheel. There are also checklists for teachers, administrative staff, health officers, ventilation, building maintenance, food service, waste management and renovation and repairs. Also included is a video "Taking Action and Ventilation Basics" as well as the document "Indoor Air Pollution: An Introduction for Health Professionals". |
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Keywords: | indoor air quality |
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Record Last Revised: | Record #1, revised 1/15/2001 |
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