Functions of an IAQ Coordinator

It is helpful to designate an IAQ Coordinator for a school or school board, because comprehensive action on indoor air quality requires leadership and the involvement of many people. Depending on the organizational structure, an IAQ coordinator might be chosen from district level administration, for example, a business official, health and safety officer or facilities manager. In smaller school boards or in an individual school, the IAQ Coordinator might be a school principal or vice principal.

The following are the primary functions of an IAQ Coordinator:

- managing teams of people around indoor air quality objectives
- delegating specific technical tasks to team members
- arranging for dissemination of information and checklists needed by team members
- summarizing responses from checklists performed by team members
- arranging for training of team members in access to web-based information on IAQ
- encouraging a sense of responsibility and cooperation among team members
- designing and implementing an indoor air quality management plan
- preparing emergency response procedures for indoor air quality incidents
- designing and implementing procedures for resolving indoor pollution problems
- deciding when to involve outside assistance, and overseeing such activities
- communicating IAQ issues and status to administration, staff, parents, students and the press
- involving community volunteers, including health department staff, parents, etc.

  Record #90, revised 1/23/2001


Related Topics (click for further information)

1. Sources of Indoor Pollution in Schools
2. Why IAQ Is Important


Related Case Studies

1. Waterloo District School Board Plant Operations
2. Durham District School Board Indoor Environment Procedures
3. Thames Valley Indoor Air Quality Policy

Primary Sources

1. IAQ Co-ordinator's Guide


Related Resources

1. The IAQ Management Plan (section 8)
2. Developing Indoor Air Policies

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