Title: | U.S. School Case Studies |
Sub-Title: | IAQ Tools for Schools |
Date of publication: | 2000 |
URL: | www.epa.gov/iaq/schools/casestudies.html |
Authors: | EPA Indoor Environments Division |
Bibliographic info: | Website, part of the U.S. EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) IAQ Tools for Schools. |
Publisher: | U.S. Environmental Protection Agency |
Abstract: | The U.S. EPA has developed case studies describing the experiences and processes associated with implementing good Indoor Air Quality strategies and practices in U.S. schools. Each school profiled has overcome different barriers -- financial, legal, managerial, health-related, or community-related -- through teamwork and a strong commitment to providing a healthy learning environment for students and staff. |
Additional Notes: | The case studies are individually downloadable as ".pdf" files. |
Keywords: | schools, indoor air quality, asthma, respiratory illness |
Illustration: | |
Record Last Revised: | Record #98, revised 1/22/2001 |
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