Title: | Environmental Education in Medicine |
Sub-Title: | |
Date of publication: | 2000 |
URL: | www.ceem.org |
Authors: | CEEM |
Bibliographic info: | Website of the Consortium for Environmental Education in Medicine (CEEM). |
Publisher: | Second Nature, Inc. |
Abstract: | The Consortium for Environmental Education in Medicine (CEEM) is dedicated to advancing humans' quality of life by demonstrating the close links between human health and the environment. CEEM's goal is to make the relationship of environment to human health an integral part of medical education. In January 1999, CEEM became a program of Second Nature (www.secondnature.org), a Boston based nonprofit organization working to help faculty, staff, and administrators at institutions of higher education to integrate environmental sustainability into their curriculum and campus operating practices. CEEM's website houses a newly expanded collection of resources and tools that support the incorporation of environment and health perspectives into curricula and programs including: |
Additional Notes: | |
Keywords: | curriculum, university, universities, medical schools, environmental medicine, pollution, health, sustainability |
Illustration: | |
Record Last Revised: | Record #89, revised 1/17/2001 |
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