Title: | Fungal Contamination Permanently Closes Elementary School (Case Study) |
Sub-Title: | |
Date of publication: | 1997 |
URL: | www.envirovillage.com/Papers/N000041.htm |
Authors: | W. Edward Montz Jr., Ph.D. |
Bibliographic info: | Published as part of the Enviro Village Library Papers. |
Publisher: | Acumen Technologies Inc. |
Abstract: | This case involves an elementary school where an IAQ investigation revealed fungal contamination in a basement area. In order to properly address the problem, officials relocated students to another building and subsequently decided to seek other uses of the building. |
Additional Notes: | |
Keywords: | mould, mold, closure, basement, moisture, relocation |
Record Last Revised: | Record #8, revised 1/3/2001 |
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