Title: Detecting Moisture Damage and Remediating Biocontamination in Buildings
Date of publication: 1997
URL: www.envirovillage.com/Glossary/NGlossaryA.htm
Authors: W. Edward Montz Jr., Ph.D.
Bibliographic info: website published as part of the Enviro Village Library Papers.
Publisher: Acumen Technologies Inc.
Abstract: A good overview of the following problem areas:Common Causes of Moisture Problems in Buildings, Methods of Detecting and Evaluating Moisture Damage, The Indoor/Outdoor Ratio of Fungi, Methods of Effective Abatement
Additional Notes:
Keywords: envirovillage, enviro village,fungi, fungus, envirovillage, moisture damage, remediating biocontamination, building
Record Last Revised: Record #76, revised 1/14/2001

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