Title: | Managing Water Infiltration into Buildings |
Sub-Title: | A Systematized Approach for Remediating Water Problems in Building Due to Floods, Roof Leaks, Potable Water Leaks, Sewage Backup, Steam Leaks and Groundwater Inflitration |
Date of publication: | |
URL: | www.dehs.umn.edu/iaq/flood.html |
Authors: | Neil Carlson, Arif Quraishi |
Bibliographic info: | internet website |
Publisher: | University of Minnesota |
Abstract: | Outlines a systematized approach for remediating water problems in buildings due to floods, roof leaks, potable water leaks, sewage backup, steam leaks and groundwater infiltration.Contains a Water Damage Check List |
Additional Notes: | |
Keywords: | water infiltration, buildings, flood, floods, flooding, water problems, sewage backups, leaks, groundwater infiltration, children, schools, roof leaks, potable water leaks, tap leaks, microbiological contamination, hypersensitivity diseases, moisture |
Record Last Revised: | Record #75, revised 1/13/2001 |
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