Title: | Solving IAQ Problems (IAQ Guide:section 12 ) |
Sub-Title: | Indoor Air Quality Coordinator's Guide |
Date of publication: | Jan. 02, 2001 |
URL: | www.epa.gov/iaq/schools/tfs/guide12.html |
Authors: | EPA Indoor Environments Division |
Bibliographic info: | section 12 of the IAQ on-line information kit |
Publisher: | U.S. Environmental Protection Agency |
Abstract: | The purpose of this section of the guide is to provide an understanding of basic principles in solving IAQ problems. There are three sub-section to the document: Solutions,Solutions for Other Complaints, Evaluating Solutions,The Effectiveness of Your Solution and Persistent Problems. Under "Solutions" the following issues are discussed: Source Management, (source removal, source substitution, source encapsulation),Local Exhaust, Ventilation, Exposure Control, (time of use, amount of use, location of use), Air Cleaning and Education. The Evaluating Solutions sub-section deals with the following points: permanence, durability, operating principle, installation & operating cost, control capacity, ability to institutionalize the solution, conformity with codes. This guidance can be helpful in selecting a mitigation strategy, and in evaluating the practicality and effectiveness of proposals from in-house staff or outside professionals. |
Additional Notes: | |
Keywords: | schools, Tools for Schools Kit, Indoor Air Quality, school, poor ventilation, ventilation, pollution, buildings, students, teachers, school staff, children, asthma, indoor pollutants, childhood disease, missed school, young children, |
Record Last Revised: | Record #58, revised 1/10/2001 |
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