Title: Healthy Schools - Healthy Children
Sub-Title: Improving the Indoor Environment in Ontario Schools
Date of publication: May 2000
URL: www.pollutionprobe.org/Publications/Childrens.htm
Authors: Pollution Probe
Bibliographic info: Cerlox bound report, 92 pages, 8 1/2 x 11 inches, available from Pollution Probe. Also available from the URL above as a downloadable ".pdf" file, 663 Kb plus 1.4M Appendices.
Publisher: Pollution Probe
Abstract: Healthy Schools - Healthy Children is a two phase project undertaken by Pollution Probe to assess the range of indoor environmental issues facing Ontario schools, and to develop a cost-effective, proactive indoor environment management plan to help school boards identify, prevent and remediate indoor environmental problems. This report summarizes the results of Phase One. The database "HealthySchools.com" is one of the results of this project.
Additional Notes: This report was written by Jill McDowell in her (then) capacity as Co-ordinator of the Child Health Programme at Pollution Probe.
Keywords: susceptibility, indoor pollution, IAQ, legislation, board, cost, benefit, precautionary, classroom, policy, jurisdiction, mould, mold, stachybotrys chartarum, irritation, mucous membranes, nosebleeds, cough, dizziness, wheezing, dust, bacteria, virus
Record Last Revised: Record #5, revised 1/17/2001

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