Title: | IAQ Co-ordinator's Guide |
Sub-Title: | |
Date of publication: | August 2000 |
URL: | www.epa.gov/iaq/schools/tfs/guidtoc.html |
Authors: | EPA Indoor Environments Division |
Bibliographic info: | Enclosure in IAQ Tools for Schools Kit, EPA publication EPA 402-K-95-001, May 1995. Revised publication EPA 402-K-95-001 (2nd edition), August 2000, also available on-line at the URL above. |
Publisher: | U.S. Environmental Protection Agency |
Abstract: | Good indoor air quality contributes to a favorable learning environment for students, productivity for teachers and staff, and a sense of comfort, health, and well-being for all school occupants. The IAQ Coordinator's Guide offers guidance in preventing and solving the majority of indoor air quality problems with minimal cost and involvement. This can be accomplished with current school staff performing a limited and well-defined set of basic operations and maintenance activities. |
Additional Notes: | |
Keywords: | indoor air quality, team, HVAC, ventilation, management plan, communication, emergency, diagnosis, complaints, regulations, policy, policies, tobacco, radon, mold, moisture, mildew, mould, pollutants |
Illustration: | |
Record Last Revised: | Record #2, revised 1/23/2001 |
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