Title: | Field Guide for the Determination of Biological Contaminants in Environmental Samples |
Sub-Title: | |
Date of publication: | 1996 |
URL: | www.aiha.org |
Authors: | AIHA Biosafety Committee |
Bibliographic info: | Softcover report, 184 pages, 6 x 9 inches, Available from AIHA Press, $50.00 US, Stock #227-RC-96. NB: To purchase this publication, go to above URL, then click on MARKETPLACE, then BOOKS, then RISK IDENTIFICATION AND CONTROL, then on "Field Guide for the Determination of Biological Contaminants". |
Publisher: | American Industrial Hygiene Association |
Abstract: | The proper collection, storage, and transport of environmental samples for biological analysis is an important responsibility for industrial hygienists and other health professionals. This book explores this field of expertise and offers advice and solutions to the problems facing professionals working with biological contaminants. This field guide, prepare by the AIHA Biosafety Committee, addresses the sampling of various types of airborne and bulk (source) biocontaminants, including suspended biogenic dusts and mists, surface swabs, and biologically contaminated bulk materials and fluids. Examined in the guide are methods for sampling of viable and nonviable fungi and bacteria as well as substances derived from them including endotoxin and peptidogylcan from bacteria, and mycotoxins, ergosterol, and volatiles from fungi. There is also an extensive glossary. |
Additional Notes: | Edited by H. Kenneth Dillon, Ph.D., CIH, Patricia A. Heinsohn, Ph.D., CIH, and J. David Miller, Ph.D. |
Keywords: | biocontaminants, biogenic dusts, viable, nonviable, fungi, bacteria, endotoxin, peptidoglycan, mycotoxins, ergosterol, volatiles, fungi, mould, mold |
Record Last Revised: | Record #124, revised 2/11/2003 |
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