Title: | Doctor Fungus |
Sub-Title: | On-line Reference to All Things Mycological |
Date of publication: | 2000 |
URL: | www.doctorfungus.org/ |
Authors: | Doctor Fungus |
Bibliographic info: | on-line reference website |
Publisher: | Doctor Fungus Corporation |
Abstract: | The site contains a comprehensive resource for descriptions of fungi and the infections that they may cause in people, animals, and plants. It also covers environmental infestations due to fungi. Other features of the site: pretty pictures of fungi, an index of fungal names and their synomyms, how do you treat it?, and links. The site has an image bank, and it is also searchable. |
Additional Notes: | |
Keywords: | Doctor Fungus, fungus, fungi, mould, mold, environmental infestations,fungal names, fungal infections, susceptibility to fungal dideases |
Record Last Revised: | Record #119, revised 2/13/2001 |
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