Title: Teacher's Guide to Indoor Air Pollutants
Date of publication: August 1, 2000
URL: www.nsc.org/ehc/indoor/teachers.htm
Authors: National Safety Council
Bibliographic info: webpage
Publisher: National Safety Council
Abstract: This website gives an outline of the contents of the guide which can be ordered through this site both in print and in PDF format.The guide contains all the information teachers will need to teach an educational unit on indoor air quality. The guide is designed for use in fourth through sixth grade classrooms and can easily be incorporated into the general science or health sections of the curriculum. The activities draw on a variety of students' skills, including science, vocabulary, reasoning, math, and basic biology. The guide contains information on indoor air quality pollutants, in-class and homework activities, presentation slides and script, handout materials, and games.
Additional Notes:
Keywords: school, schools, teachers, air quality, teachers guide, environmental health center, clean air, indoor pollutants
Record Last Revised: Record #112, revised 1/31/2001

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