Title: Resource Guide On Children's Environmental Health
Sub-Title: New York Healthy Schools Network
Date of publication: 5/5/99
URL: www.cehn.org/cehn/resourceguide/nyhsn.html
Authors: Claire Barnett
Bibliographic info: webpage
Publisher: Children's Environmental Health Network
Abstract: A rich source of on-line links, prepared by the New York Healthy Schools Network. They are a state wide coalition of parent, environment, health and education organizations working to assure every child and school employee an environmentally healthy school which is clean and in good repair, through shared advocacy and information and referral.
Additional Notes:
Keywords: New York Healthy, Schools, Network, NYHSN, New York Healthy Schools Network and children's environmental health, New York Healthy Schools Network and children
Record Last Revised: Record #100, revised 1/20/2001

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