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Pollution Probe and Technology and Health Foundation and their funding partners assume no liability or responsibility whatsoever arising from the use of any information found in or accessible from the site. All use of this site is subject to our disclaimer. If you have questions about the site please contact us at:

Pollution Probe
Technology and Health Foundation
The Trillium Foundation*
The Laidlaw Foundation
Toronto Catholic District School Board
Durham District School Board
Canadian Institute for Child Health
The Education Safety Association
of Ontario
The Canadian Association of Physicians for the Environment
The Ontario College of Family Physicians
Envirodesic Certification Program
Small & Rubin Ltd.

 *Pollution Probe gratefully acknowledges the financial support of the Ontario Trillium Foundation, an agency of the Ministry of Citizenship, Culture and Recreation. With $100 million in annual funding from the province's charitable gaming initiative, the Foundation provides grants to eligible charitable and not-for-profit organizations in the arts, culture, sports, recreation, environment and social service sectors.

All contents ©2004 by Pollution Probe and Technology and Health Foundation. All rights reserved.
Database structure, search engine, and dynamic content generation by
CMAC Web Design and Small & Rubin Ltd..